Draft PathArray/ro

Draft PathArray

poziția meniului
Draft → PathArray
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Draft Array


Instrumentul PathArray plasează copii ale unei forme selectate de-a lungul unei căi selectate. Calea poate fi un Filament sau una sau mai multe muchii. Formele pot fi opțional aliniate cu tangenta traiectoriei. Dacă este necesar, poate fi specificat un Vector de tranlație pentru a deplasa formele astfel încât centroidul să fie pe traiectorie. Dacă nu sunt selectate obiecte, veți fi invitat să le selectați.

Both commands can be used on 2D objects created with the Draft Workbench or Sketcher Workbench, but also on many 3D objects such as those created with the Part Workbench, PartDesign Workbench or BIM Workbench.

Draft PathArray

Cum se folosește

  1. Creați un obiect tip formă pe care doriți să îl distribuiți/multiplicați. Veți obține cele mai bune rezultate dacă obiectul dvs. este centrat în jurul originii, chiar dacă calea începe în altă parte.
  2. Selectați un obiect tip traiectorie de-a lungul căruia vor fi distribuite formele. -sau-
  3. Selectați unele margini ale unui obiect traiectorie.
  4. Apasați pe butonul Draft PathArray.


The alignment of the elements in a Draft PathArray depends on the properties of the array and the orientation of the source object. The position of the source object is ignored: for the purpose of the array the x, y and z are set to 0. If the DateAlign property of the array is set to false the orientation of the array elements is identical to that of the source object. If it is set to true the X axis of the local coordinate system of each element placement is tangent to the path. The Y and Z axes of the local coordinate systems depend on the DateAlign Mode property of the array. Other array properties involved in the alignment include DateTangent Vector, DateForce Vertical and DateVertical Vector.

3 arrays based on the same non-planar path. From left to right: Align is false, Align is true with Align Mode Original and Align is true with Align Mode Frenet


Align Mode

Three modes are available:


This mode comes closest to the single DateAlign Mode available in version 0.18. It relies on a fixed normal vector. If the path is planar this vector is perpendicular to the plane of the path, else a default vector, the positive Z axis, is used. From this normal vector and the local tangent vector (the local X axis) a cross product is calculated. This new vector is used as the local Z axis. The orientation of the local Y axis is determined from the local X and Z axes.


This mode uses the local normal vector derived from the path at each element placement. If this vector cannot be determined (for example in the case of a straight segment) a default vector, again the positive Z axis, is used instead. With this vector and the local tangent vector the local coordinate system is determined using the same procedure as in the previous paragraph.


This mode is similar to DateAlign Mode Original but includes the possibility to pre-rotate the source object by specifying a DateTangent Vector.

Force Vertical and Vertical Vector

These properties are only available if DateAlign Mode is Original or Tangent. If DateForce Vertical is set to true the local coordinate system is calculated in a different manner. The DateVertical Vector is used as a fixed normal vector. From this normal vector and the local tangent vector (the local X axis) again a cross product is calculated. But now this vector is used as the local Y axis. The orientation of the local Z axis is determined from the local X and Y axes.

Using these properties can be required if one of the edged of the path is (almost) parallel to the default normal of the path.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft PathArray object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties (with the exception of some View properties that are not inherited by Link arrays). The following properties are additional unless otherwise stated:



The properties in this group are only available for Link arrays. See Std LinkMake for more information.


  • DateBase: Obiectul tip formă
  • DatePathObj: Obeictul tip traiectorie
  • DatePathSubs: Sub-elementele(edges) obeictului tip traiectorie car va fi utilizat
  • DateCount: Numărul de ori de repetarea a formei
  • DateXlate: Vectorul de translație
  • DateAlign: Este adevărat să aliniați formele la traiectorie, False pentru a lăsa forme în orientarea lor implicită.




The properties in this group, with the exception of the inherited property, are only available for Link arrays. See Std LinkMake for more information.


The properties in this group, with the exception of the inherited property, are only available for Link arrays. See Std LinkMake for more information.

Display Options

The properties in this group are inherited properties. See Part Feature for more information.


Object style

The properties in this group are not inherited by Link arrays.



Instrumentul PathArray poate fi utilizat în macros și de la consola Python utilizând umătoarea funcție:

path_array = make_path_array(base_object, path_object,
                             count=4, extra=App.Vector(0, 0, 0), subelements=None,
                             align=False, align_mode="Original", tan_vector=App.Vector(1, 0, 0),
                             force_vertical=False, vertical_vector=App.Vector(0, 0, 1),
  • Plasează un numpr de copii ale unui obiect tip formă al documentului de-a lungul unui obiect tip traiectorie sau sub-obiecte ale unui path-object. Opțional translatează fiecare copie prin FreeCAD.Vector xlate pe direcția și la distanța pentru a ajusta pentru diferența de formă centru vs punct de referință. Opțional, aliniază elementul de bază la calea tangentă/normală/binormală.


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

p1 = App.Vector(500, -1000, 0)
p2 = App.Vector(1500, 1000, 0)
p3 = App.Vector(3000, 500, 0)
p4 = App.Vector(4500, 100, 0)
spline = Draft.make_bspline([p1, p2, p3, p4])
obj = Draft.make_polygon(3, 500)

path_array = Draft.make_path_array(obj, spline, 6)

wire = Draft.make_wire([p1, -p2, -p3, -p4])
path_array2 = Draft.make_path_array(obj, wire, count=3, extra=App.Vector(0, -500, 0), subelements=["Edge2", "Edge3"], align=True, force_vertical=True)